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Tone Generator

User Manual


Features & Specifications

Features & Tools


Supported formats


1. Features & Tools

ComTekk is a unique, versatile software product designed for radio service, testing, simulation and engineering. Most common audio signaling formats can be produced, with the exception of FSK/AFSK modes, some of which are proprietary and must be licensed.

Utilizing the computer's default sound device, different types of signals may be produced simultaneously, with separate level controls for each generator. A common example would be simulation of a tone-remote console, with CTCSS and 2-tone page signals.

The following tools are available, depending upon version and purchased options:

* = Optional features

ComTekk utilizes the computer system's default audio device.



2. Specifications


NOTE: These specifications relate only to the ComTekk software. Hardware specifications will vary greatly between different computers and sound devices.

General Specifications
Overall Frequency Range: 20Hz ~ 5,000 Hz
Input/Output Sample Rate: 11,025 Samples / Sec.
Audio Inputs (Scope, Spectrum Analyzer): STEREO
Audio Outputs: MONO
Tone Generator

Continuous or burst (10mS min.).

Sine, Square or Triangle waveform.

CTCSS Encoder

Continuous sine-wave.

Industry standard frequencies, or custom to 300Hz.

Turn-off tone 20~999.9Hz,
1 ~ 999 mS duration.

DTMF Encoder

Dual-tone sine-wave

16-digit keypad (4x4)

Touch-Tone™ or Knox-Box™ formats

Single or sequence, custom duration & gap.

Tone Paging Encoder
(Selective Calling)

Single or Dual-tone Sine-wave.

Standard formats, or custom frequencies, 300 ~ 5,000Hz.

Custom gap & durations (10mS min).

Tone Remote Control

All standard & non-standard frequencies for guard & function tones. Sine-wave output.

Dual or Single-tone (sequential) modes.

User adjustable levels & durations for all tones (relative dBm).

5/6 Tone Encoder
(ANI / page / SelCall)

Sine-wave output, Standard formats included.

Sequence 2 or more tones.

Custom duration, gap & preamble


Fully adjustable levels for each generator:

Tone, CTCSS, DTMF, Paging/ANI, Tone-remote.

Oscilloscope &
Spectrum Analyzer

Individual traces for L/R sound card inputs.

Automatic scaling, pause, zoom, copy, print & save features.


3. Supported Formats


Tone generator:

CTCSS Encoder:

DTMF Encoder:

Tone paging:

5/6-Tone Encoder:

Tone Remote Generator: